Hi Catherine,

1         to feel the texture
2         when borrowed they are not in the showroom
3         combined with images on a screen
4         yes, without doubt
5         as well as can be expected, depending on size of sample.

On 01/11/2013 15:23, Catherine Wells wrote:

I am currently in my final year of university studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. For my first research module I am looking at the role of pattern books in the fashion and interior industries, and what the future may be for them. I wondered do you use/ have you used pattern books? If so I wondered if you had a few moments to spare to answer these five short questions. Any response would be greatly appreciated! 

1. What are the advantages of using pattern books?

2. What are the disadvantages of using pattern books?

3. Do you feel there is a future for pattern books? If so, what changes might there be?

4. Do you feel pattern books are a crucial part of the consumer purchasing journey?

5. Do you feel pattern books fully show-off and display a collection appropriately? 
The information you give me will be used in support of my work and may be written up in my project/dissertation. Anything you say will be treated with the strictest confidence and your contribution to the discussion will not attribute you as an individual. What you say will be used for illustration only; to reinforce points that I make

Many thanks in advance!

Best wishes, Catherine

Catherine Wells

