Friday 29 November 2013

Interview with Janine (Interior Designer)

Interview with Janine (Interior Designer)

Q: When you use pattern books do you find them easy and effective?
A: They are quite heavy and hard to move around, It’s hard to take them to meetings if you have to travel a long way to them. The bigger the sample, the harder they are to match with one another and you end up needing to take two books instead of one.
Q:  What would you say are the advantages of using pattern books?
A: You need to feel the fabric and clients need to visualise it. Some patterns look different in the books and sometimes can be too much when used on a large surface.
Q: Do you find it’s hard to store and organize pattern books?
A: I don’t store any pattern books, I used to but I just don’t have the space. If I need a sample I will order it for a specific project then when the projects finished I will chuck them. I was just getting bogged down trying to sift through everything and it took me ages to find what I was looking for so it is just easier to get them as you need them.
Q:  If you don’t use pattern books then, what other methods do you use to gain inspiration?
I will go through hundreds of images and photographs initially just to get a scheme together; I will take inspiration from 3 photos and incorporate them into 1. I also often visit places that have won awards, hotels etc and see what they are doing. I save everything down onto my computer into folders and create a sort of backup of images. If you don’t keep these organised it can get messy because you have to constantly be updating them.
Q:  How do you think the internet has changed the way this industry works?
A: I think this can help in terms of images. Especially in commercial work where you are driven what’s working in the market at the time. Advice on trends, magazines with samples etc would be useful. Ten years ago I would have had a library full of pattern books but I simply don’t need them now to get inspiration!
Q:  Do you think clients prefer to see pattern books though?
A: Yes, they need to see the books because they lack my imagination. I often leave them with samples so they can grow accustomed to them
Q:  Do you think the way pattern books are now, show the fabrics full potential?
A: I don’t think the books show the fabrics full potential, people want a brand too! I have a Versace client and she wants everything to have that look but not necessarily that fabric. People want to see want the end product is going to look like very early on in the process and the books simply don’t do this.

 Me: Thank you for meeting with me 

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