Thursday 20 February 2014

20/2 Meeting - Moving forward with things to research/consider for Implementation stage

1. Re-categorisation is key as it affects other others e.g environmental, bespoke

2. The pattern book needs to be able to suit all levels of the chain e.g. retailer, designer etc

3. Needs to include a filter system, inspiration and a personal narrative

4. Dialogue and narrative are key in interiors

5. There has been a shift in consumer confidence --> have more power than the interior designers

6. Consumer conversation has changed, we are replaying industry advice with advice from friends - 'best friend' analogy

7. We need to make sure interior designers can still benefit from this (possible threat?) don't want them to become defunct

8. Landmarks will relate to the design of the book - look into this further?

9. Sharing is key --> how is this trend changing the industry and beyond? (look back at out of sector where sharing knowledge/advice is key, e.g. Google Hangout)

10. Find stats on how many retailers sell to interior designers vs consumers, how does the narrative change across platforms?

11. Ask all interior designers how their role has changed, how useful they consider themselves, change in dialogue between other platforms?

12. Look into fashion more --> how is this industry changing, what does fashion do that interiors doesn't, innovations in textures are popular, which supports the fact that there has to be a physical element and how it links with landmarks well e.g. maternity wear.

13. Concentrate on looking into the consumers that translated their style un/successfully (Carolyn etc) and ask them more questions on their opinion on textures, their relationship with the other platforms, how they interact with fashion etc.

14. Test idea across all platforms.

15. If we can mix and match designers in the book, how will the individual designers feel about this - interview ROMO, textiles designers and interiors etc to ask this. They may not be selected for every book, so would this benefit them? (threat) Our job is to tell them that this is the future.

16. Does mix and match link with the type of consumer that likes to mix and match?

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