Monday 3 March 2014

Big idea, Creative idea, creative outcome

Consumers as curators
They are becoming more confident. They are more involved in the creation of the outcome. They want a more personalised service

Bespoke pattern book service across both physical and digital platforms
Ingredients (visual interpretation): Sharing. Customisation. Filtering. Expertise. Trend. Inspiration. Community. “Physital”
·         We would offer a range of designers for the customer to choose from so we would be become affiliates, so the sales go back to ROMO for commission (incentive for brands to be a part of our service).
·         Create own profile online- profile questionnaire
·         By using the questionnaire as a filter system, users are presented with a page of recommendations specific to their answers.
·         Those who are more confident will have the opportunity to look further field of these suggestions, and utilise the whole selection of fabrics within the site
·         There will be a ‘save for later’ section where users can like samples and save them in their library. These likes will be recorded on your profile.  This is useful for people who want to decorate step by step- revisit ideas
·         Users can see how popular their swatches are as each will display its number of ‘likes’ e.g twitter re-tweet.
·         Once a swatch has been clicked on, a tab will appear showing users who else has used that swatch recently and what other swatches they have used it with. E.g ASOS or amazon. (see long term for more)
·         On your profile you can see what swatches have been recently viewed by yourself and what swatches are trending via the amount of likes.
·         When users click on a swatch they will be presented with information regarding the fabric composition and a link to the designers website where they can find the collection inspiration if they wish. Not having to view this information if not wanted
The online community (paying members only)
·         For an additional surcharge users can become part of the online community; where they can view each-others books/ libraries, mood boards and view videos (webinars) where interior designers will provide advice and inspiration. (guest speakers will be promoted on the homepage; ‘see how Bob creates a Swedish, Japanese fusion in his home’.
Making a book
·         Select your swatches from your likes library on your profile.
·         From your selected liked swatches, drag a swatch onto the blank pages of the digital pattern book. Users will have the options to change the size of their swatches: small, medium, large and where it is on the page; centre, left, right.
·         The page will also contain an area for the design of the book; do you want tabs on the side, annotations, what colour font etc.
Digital pattern book
·         The book will be instantly available to view via issuu format
·         Books will only be viewable on our website and not for download
·         There will a tab in this section where there will be an opportunity to upgrade to a paying member now to see a surprise selection of samples if the book is purchased physically. We will fill this with design inspiration based on their book. This could include; fabrics they hadn’t thought of, fabrics outside of their filtering system and some inspirational images.
·         If you want this as a physical copy too, there will be a charge whether you are in the online community or not.
·         The digital pattern book will be shopable where users can click on a swatch and be directed to the brand website to buy the fabric (we gain commission as being an affiliate)
·         From creating your digital pattern book you will be able to create a digital moodboard. You will be able to use the samples from your pattern book and also upload images from your computer.
·         These moodboards will be shareable on the online community via your profile. The online community will be able to like your moodboard and comment. These liked moodboards of other users creations will be available to view for inspiration on your profile alongside your library of swatches.
·         You can share your moodboard via social media to raise awareness of the website and gain feedback from peers (see sharing and hyperconnective research)
Look- book
·         There will be lookbooks will be available digitally for all users to view for inspiration.
·         Lookbooks will be trend based and curated by ourselves
·         Users will be able to utilise click through shopping to brand websites to buy direct (could include furniture see point in long term goals)
·         We will promote competitions to create moodboards based on themes which are on trend which we will dictate. The winner will have their moodboard included in our lookbook tab eg ASOS create a look competition. Homepage promotion of competition and of competition winner. This will direct people to their profile
·         We will recruit new talent via graduates to join our brands for a limited time (exclusive) where users can incorporate the graduate designs into their pattern book
Physical pattern book
·         Physically the book will have an opening spine where customer can move and shift swatches around e.g. mood boards. Studio Tex example- swatch moodboards
·         Once you are finished with your samples you have the option of sending the samples back and receiving new samples for a discounted rate,  or if you want a new physical book the price remains the same ( incentive/reducing wastage)
·         The physical pattern book will be shopable where users can scan a swatch and be directed to the brand website to buy the fabric (we gain commission as being an affiliate) See Louis Vuitton fashion research example
Long term goals
·         When a user is looking a swatch and it suggests other swatches, there is further opportunity for a furniture collaboration e.g achica; a person who liked this swatch also liked this lamp.
·         3D printing- being able to print the digital pattern book at home for a fee
·         Downloadable app to virtually see fabric in their home e.g. IKEA 3D app
·         Collaboration with fashion designers to create a collection as fashion and interiors become more merged.
·         People can also upload pictures of their new sitting room so people can see what they have done with their chosen swatches (like Houzz) useful for the Jo consumer.

1.    Website (talk to Bryony)
-competition homepage, graduate homepage, interior talks homepage
-Profile page with initial questionnaire
2. Branding - logo, business cards, (If we have extra time create a CAD prototype for delivery box)
3. Communication strategy (how to promote website) (recruiting new talent e.g graduates opportunity for them to have their fabrics available to buy for a limited time) (Stall in designers shows)
4. Book mock-up physically/digitally - GET HELP!
5. Make a press release to test the water

6. Look Book mock up digital

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